1. The name of the Society : GRAMIN PRAHARI
2. The Office of the Society is : Vill.- Panigaon Kachali, P.O.- Itachali,
Situated in the provinces/State : P.S.- Sadar, Dist.- Nagaon (Assam)
3. Area of operation : Entire India and its provinces
4. The Aims and Objectives of the Society :
i) The main aims and objectives of the society is to work for all around development of the people of Assam and its resources.
ii) The Society will work for the people of entire Assam including women, child, lower income group laborers from to develop their income.
iii) The society will develop literacy by making books library to develop the agriculture, irrigation, animal husbandry, cultural, socio-economic
conditions for the rural and urban tea tribe people.
iv) The society will work for the socio-economic conditions by the construction of road, building, supply of electricity, supply of drinking water,
education, human rights programme and other related socio-justice programme.
v) The society will work for health service, physically handicapped, widow, poverty eradication and literacy campaign for Global warming and all
Environmental activities, ecology protection and guidance, promote technical and scientific knowledge and research
vi) To establish Unity, equity, tranquility, friendship, national welfare in a balanced way among the people.
vii) To promote fraternity, civic sense, and brotherhood amongst the youths of the villages and development and also industrial development so
as to enable the Unemployed youths to earn their livelihood independently and attain self dependency and self generation of economy.
viii) The organization will work for defusing knowledge of Scientific and literary advancement in all sorts of subject technical, agricultural
livestock, Piscilulture, bricks making, wood and wood furniture making, steel and steel furniture making, low cost housing construction etc.
ix) The organisation will maintain a common agricultural farm. Dairy farm. Milk processing unit, spice processing unit, Mustard Oil processing
unit, Poultry farm, Piggery farm and Fishery Development farm and others allied productivity firm will be set up by our G.P.
x) a) The organisation will work for the development of women and children in rural and urban areas in respects such as economic. Health,
education etc.
b) The organisation shall best Endeavour to remove bad practice prevailing amongst the societies like enmity drinking liquor and other social
xi) The organisation will open up adults school and shall co-operate with the National Scheme of adult education.
xii) The organisation will approach Government and other benevolent private social agencies for loans, grants contributions and donation for the
Institutional man agreement of the society and also for implementing various social welfare scheme under taken by it specially in the field of
agriculture, livestock, cold storage, food processing industry and health care. The organisation will look for public place and drinking place,
Bazars, Ghats etc. prevention of disease and epidemics.
xiii) The organisation shall a small Health & Vety. Clinic for immediate help such as first aid, delivery comes, vaccination to human beings and
xiv) The organisation will take almost care and initiative for development and main tenancy of cultural and religious institutions such as Maszid
and create a sense of amity, equity, integrity and social harmony for the growth of appropriate society with perfect Citizenship of the
xv) The organisation will maintain a common paddy storage and other grain storage depot for the facility of farmers.
xvi) The organisation will try to setup Old age home, Swadhar Project, Day care centre, Working Women Hostel, Short, Stay Home, Step,
Ujala Project, Mobile Medicare unit, Non-institutional service centre and such like other alied scheme.
xvii) The organisation will do service the sanitation facilities from Govt., Semi Govt. Co-operative and private sector in lower cost and higher cost
where it may admissible for poor people who lived below the poverty line.
xviii) The organisation will may take decision to open school from pre-primary to upper, higher education such as Residential School, Non-
Residential School, Formal School, Non-Formal School, Adult School, Night School, Blind School Vocational Institute such as Cutting,
Knitting, Tailoring School, Beautician Training, Type, Computer, Stenographer, Fashion Designe Training, Creche for children and others
like such school in demand on people in their locality.
xix) The organisation will work as a bridge between the SHGs and Bank and other financial institution and will do service to the SHGs to
develop and suggest them to be financially strong by sanctioning loan through semi-Govt., Govt. and other private financial sector for
help to growth of a healthy society- a responsible and just society within the area converted under the above organisation.
xx) To establish, promote, run, maintain, assist community health centre, blood bank, ambulance service, de-addition cum rehabilitation
centre, care and support centre etc. for use and welfare of the general public.
xxi) To start, establish, run, take, over, arrange and manage production centre, vocational training Institute or College to give education on
computer, handloom, weaving, jute and handicrafts and in other vocational, professional and income generating subjects and activities.
xxii) To start, maintain, assist, take over programme in relief measure in those parts which area/or become subjects to natural calamities like
famine, food poisoning, fire, flood, earthquake, cyclone etc. and establish any home institution or society for the welfare of victim of natural
xxiii)To start, establish, arrange, maintain, organize and assist and programme, project for welfare and upliftment of disable, blind and
physically handicapped person, street children and orphans.
xxiv) To implement, arrange, provide, organize, assist a medical camp, such as health check up camp, eye operation camp, blood donation camp, mobile Medicare programme, immunization programme, vasectomy, tubectomy, leprost education, malaria prevention and provide assistance necessary for living to the needy person who are incapable or handicapped or mentally or physically retread, To take such activities for prevention of education of AIDS, menace of drugs abuse, prevention and eradication of malaria, small pox, T.B. and any other types of typical disease under WHO’s guide-lines and to provide facilities of donation blood, eye and any other parts of human body/limbs, as admissible under Indian Health law, besides, undertaking such allied activities for prevention of other diseases which may occur from time to time.
xxv) To establish, arrange, organize, co-ordinate, implement, render assistance, promote, manage, run agriculture production activities, animal husbandry development programmes, fisheries development programmes, supplies of power tiller, agricultural machinery, irrigation appliances, seeds, fertilizers etc.
xxvi) To provide and encourage for primary education among Rural and Tea tribes without any distinguish of caste, creed, religion gender.
xxvii) To organize, arrange, start, implement, carry on, encourage and assist in promotion of rural industries, trade or business activities for rural Entrepreneurship development programme.
xxviii) To popularize Science and Technology and to stimulate temper among people, students, weaker communities, scheduled caste/tribes people etc. and development of technology for improving the quality of life through multi sectorial approaches.
xxix) To implement, establish, arrange co-operate, organize, run programmes on non-conventional energy sources, Bio-gas, and Bio-fertilizer development and improve the low cost Chula etc.
xxx) To act as centre of studies and research on subject of interest to the social and society and to organize, exhibition and take up development and mass communication projects by means of news letter, poster, periodical journals, cinema, documentary film, drama, street play, through Television, Radio and various means of various topics.
xxxi) To public books, brochure, booklet, newsletter, handbook, manual, handbill, poster etc. on various subjects of topical interest and proceeding of seminars and conference organize by this society or any other associated society.
xxxii) To establish, form, organize, assist, develop, manage, co-operative society, productive firm, co-operative Bank, rural bank for self help groups, women savings bank, savings, schemes, import and export centre etc. to uplift the socio-economic condition of general community and for self employment.
xxxiii) To submit project, proposal, request, application for accept donation, grants loan, project’s fund, subsidy, gifts, collaboration and other offering in the shape of the movable or immovable properties, in cash, cheque etc. for the attainment of the aims objectives of the society from individual/Government and Non-Government society, public and private sector, funding agencies etc.
xxxiv) To organize, implement, conduct programme, seminar workshop etc. on social justice, women empowerment and educational and economic upliftment to raise legal demands and fundamental rights as well as create awareness among general and SC/ST/OBC and Hills areas people.
xxxv) To undertake, organize, assist, run, help, collaborate Khadi and Village industries (KVI) activities, programmes projects etc for
production, sale, training, research etc with object such as -
a) To improve the economic moral and social standard of the villagers in the area of operation of the institution.
b) To alleviate poverty and bring about better living condition, natural co-operation and unity among villagers and in general rural
development by implementing KVI programmes.
xxxvi) To open an account in any nationalized bank to deal for furtherance of object of the institution.
xxxvii)Area wise plantation of tea, rubber/teak/medicinal and herbal plant etc. for granting land from govt. or local people on lease basis.
xxxviii)The society will fight against all the destructive and anti-national focus and will observe the national festivals viz. Swatantrata Divas,
Loktantra Divas, Rastra Bhasa Divas etc. to encourage a sense of National integrity among the people Society will bringing together
persons of various communities and creating and restoring of good will brotherhood peace and co-operation.
xxxix)Promotion of international understanding and co-operation in contromity with the principles and ideas of UNESCO.
xxxx)To act as mediator society for Micro finance, Micro Insurance and Micro Credits linkages and to bridge the gaps between the apex
founding agencies, financial institution, bank organization etc. and the privilege people, self help group (SHG) etc. and to procure,
promote, take over and carry out insurance activities and act as corporate agent for such activities.
xxxxi) All the income, earnings movable or immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its
aim and objects any as said forth in the memorandum of society.
Certified to be true copy of the Memorandum of “GRAMIN PRAHARI”.
Rules & Regulations of Gramin Prahari
Name of the Society : “GRAMIN PRAHARI”
Address of the Head Office of the Society :The Head Office of the Society is Situated at Panigaon, Kachali, P.S.- Nagaon, Dist.- Nagaon (Assam)
Area of Operation :The area of operation of the society will be the entire State of Assam & North Eastern India.
The date of birth of the Society is 04-09-1986
The aims and objects of the Society : Aims and objectives should be as same as mentioned in the Memorandum of the Society.
The Power and the Functions of the Committees and the Portfolios of the Society.
Sec-1 : Power and Functions of the General Committee :
a) The General Committee will consider and adopt the annual report, annual statement of account, balance sheet of previous year and budget for the current year.
b) The General Committee will offer the portfolios and membership of the Executive Committee for next five years (i.e. one session)
c) The General Committee will also transact any other matter with permission of both Chief Co-ordinator and Governor of the Society.
Sec-2 : Power and Functions of the Executive Committee :
a) The Executive Committee will execute all the decisions or resolutions taken by the General Committee.
b) The Executive Committee will for the Maintenance of the records and other documents of the society in its custody.
c) The Executive Committee will co-ordinate the activities and the subordinate staff of the Society.
Sec-3 : Power and Function of Chairman and Secretary :
a) The Chairman and Secretary will sign all papers and documents on behalf of the society.
b) The Chairman and Secretary is authorized to sign on financial related papers as & when necessary.
c) The Chairman and Secretary shall preside all the meeting of society via General Body, Executive Body, meeting & other committee. He/She will have to hold society in a desired direction in consonance with the Objectives set forth.
Membership :
Qualification to become members : Any male of female person not less than 16 years of age respective of cast, creed religion can become a member of the Society. He must be diligent active and of good moral character.
Membership Fees : Membership fees will be Rs. 21/- any change will be decided by the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
Collection of fund : The Executive Committee will print receipt book & made a Website for collection of money subscription, donation, loan, gift, contribution and grants for various purposes from individuals and other agenesis, societies, Govt. departments etc. will deposited in the societies fund.
Control of fund : A joint account with the Chairman and the Secretary in any of the nationalized Bank after necessary approval of the Executive body will be opened to be operated jointly by the Chairman and Secretary and all the amounts belonging to the society shall be deposited in to such accounts, as soon as it is received. The committee shall direct the Chairman and Secretary to open such accounts in any Bank as above and when necessary. The Secretary is authorized to keep the monetary transaction for the Govt. depts. and any agency of gifts, loan, contributions and giants-in-aids to perform various kinds of welfare activities, Similarly of all contingency expenditures, the secretary shall have to obtain approval of the executive committee. The secretary will maintain the books of accounts of the receipts, expenditure etc. and enter all receipts and expenditures daily in to the cash book for daily transaction. The cash book shall have to be presented to the executive meeting in each sitting.
Procedure of General meeting : The General Meeting will be hold Once in a year for some special cases it may be called at any time.
Quorum of the General Meeting : Three fourth of the total members must be present in the general meeting to form the quorum.
Election procedure of the Executive Committee : Altogether Seven (7) members of the society shall be elected to form the Executive body of the society. They must be and enlisted members of the society.
Description of the Executive body : The members of the Executives body will be elected by vote, general consciousness or secret ballot papers to constitute the executive body of the society.
Procedure for Re-Election of the Executive Committee :
a) In the general meeting held in every three years gap the executive body will be are elected.
b) When the vacancy of a member of the executive body occurs the president will direct secretary to call a general meeting and a member will be elected there to fill-up the vacancy.
Procedure of the meeting of the Executive body :
a) Executive meeting will be held one time in the two months.
b) The secretary will notify to the members one week before of the probable sittings.
The Quorum of the Executive meeting : Two third of the total Executive members will formed quorum of the Executive meeting.
Expulsion of undesirable members : Any member who goes against the rules and regulations of the organisation may be expelled from the organisation.
Auditor : A qualified auditor will be appointed by the Executive body who shall audit the accounts of the society at least once in a year annual audit report will be submitted to the Register of Societies regularly.
Legal Procedure : According to the provision laid down in the section 6 of the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860 the Society may sue or may be sued in the name of the president or Secretary of the society.
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